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Tuition & Fees

Little Sprouts Early Learning Center

FREE or Reduced Cost Childcare and Preschool is available through the state of Ohio. Please contact the Publicly Funded Child Care (PFCC) Director at NOCAC @ (419)-784-5136, or visit


A program enrollment fee of $65 per child is due before any student starts.

If a spot in the program is NOT available at the time of enrollment application submission, the child will be placed on a waitlist and then the parent/guardian will be contacted via email when/if a spot becomes available. There is no charge to be on the waitlist.

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6 weeks to 12-15 months

Full-time rate only
$242.00 per week
Includes Diapers & Wipes


Wobblers 1
12-15 months to Approx 20 months

Full-time rate only
$221.00 per week
Includes Diapers & Wipes


Wobblers 2 & 3 

Approx 21 months to 2.5 years

Full-Time Rate Only
$210.00 per week

Includes Diapers/Pull-Ups and Wipes

 Junior Preschool
2.5 years to 3 years
(child must be potty trained before
moving up to Preschool)

Full-time rate only
$210.00 per week
Includes Diapers/Pull-Ups and Wipes


3 years to 4 years
Part-Time (1 - 24.75hrs per week): $115 per week
Full-Time (25+hrs per week): $168 per week


4 years to 6 years 

Part-Time (1 - 24.75hrs per week): $115 per week
Full-Time (25+ hrs per week): $168 per week

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Kindergarten through Age 12

Up to 24.75 hrs per week: $70.00 per week

25+ hrs per week: $130.00 per week



Kindergarten (completed) through Age 12

Up to 24.75 hrs per week: $100 per week
25+ hrs per week: $165.00 per week

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If a child is otherwise typically developing but is not yet potty-trained, tuition will remain at the Junior Preschool Rate until child is fully trained.

Pull-Ups for potty trained students to use for rest-time ONLY are
charged at $1 per day until no longer necessary.

A $45 curriculum supply fee is due for all Preschool and Pre-K students before the school year begins each September.

Summer supply fees may be charged as-needed
for Summer field trips or special activities. 

**Rates are subject to change at any time.**



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